I’ve decided to start a personal vlog

I’ve decided to start a vlog – a personal, video log of just general stuff in my life, including non-CONTACT-related personal stuff.

It’s my new hobby. And you’re invited to watch.


It could be incredibly boring – I have been told I possess the most monotone voice of anyone who ever delivered a lesson in the Army – or it could be mildly interesting.

One key thing about this vlog is that, while I have got my head into the right space to actually do it, and have decided that 1 January 2018 is as good a time as any to start – I haven’t actually figured out style, theme or tone yet – though I did actually smash together some new branding for it as I wrote this – do you like it? That’s me in East Timor in 1999. Good times!

So it could be a moving feast.

And maybe you guys, if you decide to follow my personal journey, can help me shape this new thing. Your feedback, encouragement and subject-matter ideas could have a big influence on this – so please let me know your thoughts, via editor@militarycontact.com or the comments section on this post or on the actual videos as they come out.

I actually did a practice run already. The idea for the video below struck me the other day as I was doing something on the drone and I decided to vlog about it to pass on a little responsible-drone-owner’s tip.



Anyway, the actual vlog will probably be more of a personal ‘what I did today/this week’ type vlog, but, if you want more of the tutorial stuff, I’d be very happy to include that too. Perhaps on photography (because I’m pretty geared up and keen – and have been professionally engaged in that ‘trade’ for many years), videography (a relatively new and very exciting direction for me) or drone flying/stuff (I’ve had a DJI Mavic Pro since March 2017 – and totalled it twice! That makes me qualified, doesn’t it?).

Then there’s CONTACT and all that goes with that – how to write for publications (of various types), story editing, photo editing, choosing (or rejecting) stories and photos, magazine layouts, web-site stuff (editing, managing, technical/practical/how-to etc) etc. Maybe even the odd field trip!

There are other vloggers I follow on a daily basis, because I enjoy their stories and because I admire their ‘film-making’ professionalism – Casey Neistat (the god of vlogging), Travel Feels and Peter MacKinnon in particular – and others because I like their personal stories and/or story-telling – notably, Off the Ranch, TheStradman and In the Trenches with Cas.

But, hopefully, I can build my own YouTube ‘identity’ – and following. To that end, please subscribe to the CONTACT YouTube channel (if you haven’t already) – and stay tuned for more videos in 2018.

Or find all my blogs accumulating here.


And, I hope you all have a great New Year and a fabulous 2018.


Brian Hartigan
0408 496 664








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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

3 thoughts on “I’ve decided to start a personal vlog

  • 01/01/2018 at 11:34 am

    Unfortunate photo! During my military service we were always taught not to point a weapon at someone unless you intend to shoot them so I assume the photographer in question is now deceased. Surely that’s not your best Timor memory.

    • 01/01/2018 at 11:59 am

      While this photo is a very good memory of my wild and free youth, you are right, it isn’t the only or even the best ‘memory’. But is one of my favourite ‘self portraits’ (though it was taken by a real photographer, back in the days before remote-control cameras (or even digital (professional) cameras) – and he is very much still alive)(We swapped places after this, so he has a very similar selfie 🙂 ).
      Thanks for your interest. I hope you follow my blog, when I launch it – soon.
      Brian Hartigan
      CONTACT Editor

      • 01/01/2018 at 12:00 pm

        P.S. While the gun is pointing at the camera, we both had the good sense not to stand behind it 🙂


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