A flying finish to the year

By this time of the year most cadets have finished their training and commitments, and have already proudly marched in their end of year parade.
CAPTION: Leading Cadet Jade Curwood of No 613 Squadron, AAFC (RAAF Edinburgh) prepares to board a Diamond DA-40 for a free trial instructional flight. Photos by Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig
A group of South Australian air force cadets however had a flying finish to the year, taking part in a Trial Instructional Flight offered by Flight Training Adelaide – www.flyfta.com

This is what the AAFC calls a Pilot Experience Flight (PEX), an opportunity provided to all cadets at no cost to them.
Almost 40 future pilots took this free opportunity to fly a Diamond DA-40 from Parafield Airport, and were awarded certificates by the service provider, Flight Training Adelaide.
Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, 6 Wing Public Affairs & Communication Officer, said “Some of these cadets truly are amazing people. While everyone else is relaxing, these cadets have kept their uniforms out and ready”.
On this day they were flying – under the direction of a qualified flying instructor.
In a fortnight, many of them will be starting a promotion course to seek self development and advancement within the AAFC.
Others are completing their Bronze or Silver Awards with the Duke of Edinburgh International Award.
Most will use this experience to springboard their application early next year for a Flying Scholarship, with a view to a career in the Australian Defence Force.
What a great head-start for these young adults.

The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries (staff, cadet or as an aviation instructor) in South Australia and Mildura pls contact:
paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au