PTSD unmasked – subject Trooper David Nicholson – makeup by Ambah de Smet – photography by Justin Marshall, JM Photography.
PTSD unmasked – subject Trooper David Nicholson – makeup by Ambah de Smet – photography by Justin Marshall, JM Photography.

If a picture paints a thousand words, these pictures speak volumes for our veterans suffering from PTSD, according to the subject of the powerful images, Trooper David Nicholson.

“For those of you who don’t know, a lot of our service people wear a mask to cover our PTSD,” Trooper Nicholson said.

“Wearing the mask and having a fake smile hides, but doesn’t heal, the pain.

“Behind the mask you hide anger, pain, anxiety, nightmares and depression.

“People don’t see it, hear it or know about it.

“But, being alone, it will tear at you, consume you and rip you to pieces.

“You’ll fall into a dark hole that reveals no way out.

“When you get so deep it will not only affect you, but your love life, family and friends too.

“The hardest part of PTSD isn’t how you got it, or even how you try to hide it – it’s when you ask for help.

“Asking for help is scary.

“Yes you may feel weak – but trust me when I say, take the mask off, ask for help, speak to your loved ones and family about it.


“…prepare for the weight to be lifted off your shoulders.

“Reach out. Your brothers and sisters are there for you.”


More photos from this photoshoot will be published in the next issue of CONTACT magazine, out 1 December.




If you, or someone you know need immediate help, please contact:








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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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