ANZAC Day in Melbourne

As large number of visitors are expected to attend the Dawn Service, members of the public are advised to arrive between 4-5am.
The Master of Ceremonies pre-amble starts from 5.45am with the official Dawn Service commencing at 6am.
Large AV screens will be installed on the Shrine Reserve.
The Eastern Visitor Centre Courtyard will be reserved for persons with mobility, sight and hearing impairments.
A Gun Fire Breakfast will be located outside Victoria Barracks, serving Australian Defence Force and members of the public from 6.30am.
The ANZAC Day March will commence at the intersection of Flinders and Swanston Street at 9am and conclude at the Shrine of Remembrance at approximately 1pm.
This year, the ANZAC Day March will be led by three Second World War veterans.
At the conclusion of the March a commemorative service will take place on the Shrine Forecourt, including an address from the Governor of Victoria.
The Shrine Visitor Centre and the Galleries of Remembrance will be open 7am – 5pm. Last entry to the Galleries will be 4.30pm.
Special exhibitions on display include; The ‘Blood Tub’ Australians at Bullecourt 1917 and ‘The Soldiers’ XI’: Humour, Humanity and the Psychology of Modern Combat’.
The Sanctuary will be open to the public 6.45am – 7.45am and 2pm – 5pm.
Ray of Light ceremonies will take place in the Sanctuary every half hour from 2.30pm.
