604 Squadron AAFC End of Year Parade

On Saturday 10 December, No 604 Squadron, Australian Air Force Cadets held its annual end of year ceremonial parade, at which trophies were awarded and Cadets were reclassified.
Host Officer for the parade at Hampstead Barracks was Flying Officer (AAFC) John Bennett, Commanding Officer of No 604 Squadron.

Honoured guests included Group Captain (retired) Dr Robert Black, President of the Mitcham Branch of the RAAF Association, SA Division; and the Vice-President of the South Australia & Northern Territory Branch of the National Malaya & Borneo Veterans’ Association of Australia, Don Cameron. No 604 Squadron has a very close affiliation with both organisations.
Parade Commander was Cadet Under Officer Aaron Musk, and the Parade Warrant Officer was Cadet Flight Sergeant Jake Dippy.
Banner Party Commander (Banner Bearer), given the rare privilege of parading the Banner of No 6 Wing AAFC (SA and Mildura), was Cadet Under Officer Hayden Skiparis.
Reviewing Officer was Major Jim O’Hanlon, Second in Command of the Adelaide Universities Regiment, himself a former Army Cadet.
MC for the parade, Pilot Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, 6 Wing Public Affairs Officer, said: “Today’s parade is an important part of the Cadets’ year, and showcases a small portion of what they have learnt during this year. The cadets on parade today come from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience. Some cadets have been with the AAFC for five years or more, while some of the junior cadets only joined about six months ago”.
Major O’Hanlon complimented the cadets on their dress and bearing.
He then presented the…
- NCO Proficiency Award to Cadet Corporal Michael Santos;
- Best Attendance trophy jointly to Cadet Corporal Michael Santos and Cadet Levi Schubert (both with 100% attendance this year);
- Aviation Award to Leading Cadet Tomasz Kocimski;
- Cadet of the Year to Cadet Sergeant Joshua Watson; and,
- Fieldcraft Award to Leading Cadet Tharane Thamodarar.

After the parade, achievement certificates and Dux trophies were awarded for Recruit Stage, Basic Stage, Proficiency Stage and Advanced Stage.
Ten cadets who had completed their Recruit and Basic Stages, including subjects in Service Knowledge, Fieldcraft, Aviation and Aircraft Recognition, were reclassified as Leading Cadets.
The Commanding Officer then presented a commemorative 604 Squadron coin to each cadet and staff member, and the distinguished guests, to mark the 75th Anniversary of the Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC), with its heritage in the wartime Air Training Corps (RAAF Reserve) and the Air Training Corps (AirTC) as a youth development organisation.
These coins bear the winged lion symbol of No 604 Squadron and the squadron’s motto, “Hear the Lion Roar”.
Images courtesy of Pilot Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, PACO 6 Wing.


The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries in South Australia pls contact:
paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au