Should pollies wear pollies – or cams?

What do you think about the furore over politicians wearing uniforms on their campaign posters?

Personally, I don’t have a strong opinion – but I do agree with Defence that it could give an impression that the candidate is endorsed by Defence – and that’s wrong – wrong that they do and wrong that they should/would/could.

I also think, “I sure as shit couldn’t get aways with that – so surely a Major aught to know better?”. And of course he did know better, but chose to say “up yours” to ‘the system’ anyway.

Is that someone I’d be happy to represent me in parliament? I don’t think so.

I also think, wearing a uniform means you are accustomed to following orders and ‘towing the party line’ in Defence. So, as a politician, he should fit right in, in that regard.

But again, is that what I want my local representative to be – just ‘another one of those party animals who does and says what the party tells him to do/say?”

No – any party candidate is just another party hack until he proves otherwise – and saying ‘up yours’ to ‘the system’ he was part of previously doesn’t prove independent thinking to me.


But that’s just my opinion.

Feel free to have your say – as long as it’s civil.
I absolutely will crack down on abusive or inappropriate comments.











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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

3 thoughts on “Should pollies wear pollies – or cams?

  • 13/06/2016 at 4:52 pm

    Has defence dropped the ball by losing /resigning / dismissing these few people who have been in uniform and now want to serve in a political role. I think I am bright enough to know that defence hasn’t endorsed them but they did serve. It may help sway my vote.

    Let them show off their service. What about lifeguards, RFS,SES, we know these groups dont endorse either.

    But even at council level if you knew Bill or Mary had served as Brigade Captain for 10 years you would have a clue of the person they are.

  • 11/06/2016 at 1:12 pm

    The main pic in question from what I’ve seen is a picture of the guy in multicam holding a M4. There is absolutely nothing showing to distinguish him from an American soldier. The guy is showing his military service in a previous life which he is proud of and damn well should be. I for one would be much happier knowing a man of his background is in politics than someone who has no concept of sacrifice for their nation

  • 11/06/2016 at 12:12 pm

    I agree with all your sentiments. As a current serving member I also don’t want the general public seeing me in my uniform and automatically associating me with any specific political party. That is not why I wear the uniform. And yes, as someone who is meant to be a ‘leader’ of the troops, I have an issue with his clear disregard for the rules, and his ‘up yours” attitude to the system. To me that sends a message that he thinks he is above the rules and can do whatever he wants regardless of consequence. Do I want someone like that representing me … No.


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