Viewee Twoee

This 40-page viewee-twoee with sturdy green PVC covers is no longer available for sale.
If you want to print your own copies of our ADF Weapons’ Guides yourself, you can download Part 1 here (free) and get a free copy of Part 2 here .
You can buy viewee twos from our friends at the Military Shop.

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CONTACT serves as a role model for our military periodical GEBIRGSJÄGER. As we run one of the leading Truppenzeitungen of the Austrian Armed Forces it is a joint achievement due to your excelent work. Thank you – keep it on.
WO I Kurnik, SE
Hi Contact. Love the magazine. Just skimmed through your latest “Weapons of the ADF ” pocket guide. Was a great read. Only weapon you are missing is the M134D Minigun which is usually mounted on the CH-47 Chinook as a door gun.
Good call Adam. I have now included your suggestion in our Weapons of the ADF Part 2.
And thanks for your kind feedback.