Kiwi appointed Deputy Air Commander Australia

In a show of enhanced cooperation and interoperability between Australia and New Zealand, a senior member of the Royal New Zealand Air Force has become Deputy Air Commander Australia (DACAUST) as of 13 January.

CAPTIONRoyal New Zealand Air Force Group Captain Susie Barns is promoted to Air Commodore by Air Commander Australia Air Vice-Marshal Glen Braz, left, and her spouse Tom at her promotion and appointment to Deputy Air Commander Australia during a ceremony at the Australian Defence Force Academy officers mess. Story by John Noble. Photo by Aircraftman Jakob Reid.

RNZAF Air Commodore Susie Barns joined Australia’s Air Command under a bilateral memorandum of arrangement between both countries, allowing her to take up the position of DACAUST – an ongoing position now open to senior officers in the RNZAF.

In May of 2024, RNZAF’s Chief of Air Force Air Vice-Marshal Darryn Webb and former RAAF Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Robert Chipman signed a joint guidance statement that aimed to strengthen cooperation and interoperability between the two air forces.

The agreement will help ensure broader and deeper levels of mutual support, as well as enhanced security, stability and prosperity, according to the incoming DACAUST.

“What a great honour it is to take up the position of Deputy Air Commander for RAAF as part of this new joint agreement between our two great air forces,” Air Commodore Barns said.

“It’s an exciting initiative that will boost our efforts to expand personnel, technical and procedural interoperability, while also enabling greater mutual support for both our countries.

“Ultimately, the increased opportunity this presents to achieve greater interchangeability of our aviators in the future is particularly beneficial.”

Air Commodore Barns brings a wealth of experience to her new role with the Royal Australian Air Force, having served continuously in the RNZAF since 1993.

During that time, Air Commodore Barns worked across all branches of the RNZAF including senior roles as Director of Logistics, Director of Air Force Health and Safety, and Head of the Logistics Branch for the RNZAF.

Air Commodore Barns’ international experience also extends to her role as the RNZAF Logistics Adviser based in London where she was responsible for liaison with the UK military establishment on a range of procurement initiatives, multilateral agreements and a variety of representational duties in both the UK and Europe.

For the past 12 months, Air Commodore Barns has been undertaking the Defence and Strategic Studies Course at the Australian Defence College in Canberra.

“The ties between both our air forces are deep and rich and I look forward to bringing my experience to the role of DACAUST, while also using it as an incredible learning opportunity,” Air Commodore Barns said.





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One thought on “Kiwi appointed Deputy Air Commander Australia

  • 19/01/2025 at 1:07 pm

    Not knocking Ms Barns, but if the navy is looking for a new deputy, I believe the K1W1’s have got a spare officer. Something about her misplacing her ship or something and now being in line for promotion.


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