HMAS Broome’s final port call

For its final voyage, HMAS Broome conducted one last port visit to its namesake town in Western Australia ahead of its upcoming decommissioning on 29 August.

CAPTIONHMAS Broome enters Darwin harbour for the last time prior decommissioning at Darwin, NT. Story bib Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Williamson. Photos by Leading Seaman Ernesto Sanchez.

During the four-day port visit to Broome, the ship’s crew engaged with the community, participating in activities that have defined its 17 years of service.

Meeting with participants of the Skill Engineer Program was one of the highlights.

The crew toured the workshop and met with the Skill Engineering team and participants who are currently manufacturing their own electric scooters as part of the program.

The program is a community-based opportunity for young people to learn vocational skills. It equips participants with employability skills, boosts wellbeing, imparts invaluable life skills, and fosters confidence and resilience.

Leading Seaman Marine Technician Joshua Kelly said the skill development was evident.

“It was impressive to see the range of skills participants are developing through the program and the dedicated team that aids them every step of the way,” he said.

“As they shared some tales of their experiences with us, we could really see the pride they felt in what they are doing and learning.”

CAPTIONHMAS Broome’s crew met with participants of the youth-focused Skill Engineer Program in the workshop where they are manufacturing their own electric scooters.

Members of Broome also enjoyed a roller disco event led by the Broome Police and Community Youth Centre at an event that attracted about 50 young people to skate and dance.

During the evening, the crew engaged with volunteers and the local Western Australia Police, and some enjoyed a roller skate themselves.

After an eventful few days, Broome departed the port visit for its return passage to Darwin to undertake final preparations for the upcoming decommissioning.

Commanding Officer Broome Lieutenant Commander Christopher Wardle said it was a reflective and memorable end.

Broome’s final voyage provided the crew with a period of respite and reflection on the tenure of both their time on Broome and their own careers. Honestly, it’s been a privilege to share the final voyage with this crew,” Lieutenant Commander Wardle said.

Broome’s last trip was one to remember and will mark the ending for its proud and impactful years of service. Fight and endure.”

CAPTIONMembers of the HMAS Broome crew after berthing at HMAS Coonawarra for the last time prior to decommissioning in Darwin, NT.

Commissioned on 10 February 2007, HMAS Broome (II) is an Armidale Class Patrol Boat built by Austal Ships, Freemantle.

Armidale Class Patrol Boats are highly capable and versatile warships which are able to conduct a wide variety of missions and tasks.

Armidale Class and Cape Class Patrol Boats are Navy’s principal contribution to the nation’s fisheries protection, immigration, customs and law enforcement operations.

The vessels work hand-in-hand with other Government agencies as part of the Australian Border Force. In the event of war they would be tasked to control the waters close to the Australian mainland.

The Armidale Class provides Navy with an improved capability to intercept and apprehend vessels in a greater range of sea conditions than the earlier patrol boat classes, Fremantle and Attack.

Patrol boats are a primary enabler of the Australian Defence Force contribution to Operation Sovereign Borders, a whole of government effort to protect Australia’s borders and offshore interests.

When protecting Australia’s borders, crews are employed on a range of constabulary duties involving tracking, intercepting, stopping and boarding other vessels, and sometimes arresting their crews and seizing cargo.

CAPTIONHMAS Broome enters Darwin harbour for the last time prior decommissioning in Darwin, NT.






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One thought on “HMAS Broome’s final port call

  • 16/09/2024 at 6:45 pm

    So what happens to ‘Broome’ is it gifted to Pacic Island nation????? or given to Chinese to scrap


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