Blue thumbs help Darwin veterans drop-in centre

Although they wore different uniforms, US Air Force, Royal Air Force and RAAF aviators found out they all have a green thumb in common after helping a Darwin veterans drop-in centre get on top of their gardening and yard work.

CAPTIONRAAF Sergeant Aaron Bennet, centre right, with 2 Squadron personnel after cleaning up Billeroy House Community Centre in Darwin. Story by Corporal Jacob Joseph.

The 2 Squadron aviators were in Darwin for Exercise Pitch Black, operating the E-7A Wedgetail in the massive multinational exercise.

Avionics technician Sergeant Aaron ‘Tex’ Bennett reached out to the Darwin RSL after Pitch Black, with a view to having his team give back to the community.

“I wanted to support the community that supported the RAAF base and when I found out the RSL had a community centre, I knew I’d be able to find some volunteers to help,” Sergeant Bennett said.

Billeroy House is a meeting place for current and ex-serving Defence personnel and families, providing information and a place to hang out for a barbeque.

“Many hands make light work,” Sergeant Bennett said.

The 16-strong group from 2 Squadron planted, pulled, edged and cut their way through a laundry list of chores.

“It only took us two hours, but the manager said he couldn’t have completed the work himself before Christmas,” Sergeant Bennett said.

RAAF has operated the E-7A Wedgetail since 2010. Last year, the US announced it would acquire a fleet of E-7s to replace the E-3 Sentry.

The UK has three aircraft in production with the first soon to be delivered.

Ground support and operational flight crew personnel from the US and UK have embedded with 2 Squadron in preparation for their military’s acquisition of the Boeing E-7 early warning and control aircraft.

With the ability to coordinate a joint air, sea and land battle in real time, the E-7A Wedgetail provides one of the most advanced airspace battle-management capabilities in the world.





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