A Song for Singing

Everyone knows this song – but will they sing it?
Australians all let us rejoice
For we are young and free.
And once our men have been to war
We’ll call them Soldier C.,
On TV and the radio
Such programmes, oh what art.
To watch the skilful ways by which
They tear our men apart.
With joyful hearts then let us be
The only ones who cannot see
That this is just hypocrisy
As voiced for you and me.
Australians all let us rejoice
We have the ABC
And daily papers tell us of
Ben Roberts-Smith VC
On TV and the radio
Such programmes, oh what art
To watch the skilful ways by which
They tear our men apart.
With joyful hearts then let us be
The only ones who cannot see
That this is just hypocrisy
As voiced for you and me
By Michael Shave
FILE PHOTO: Australian Army soldiers from Special Operations Task Group prepare for a mission at Multi-National Base Tarin Kowt, Uruzgan province, southern Afghanistan, in 2012.
