Innovation enabled soldiers to use live ammo at sea

Innovation enabled Australian soldiers on Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2022 to take part in various live-fire training serials on board HMAS Adelaide to keep their core skills fresh.

CAPTION: From left, Privates Shane Bagley, Frank Atkinson, Jack Dawes and Aleksandar Radovic in front of the first live-fire range-in-a-box in HMAS Adelaide. Story by Lieutenant Peter Kuschert. Photo by Leading Seaman Sittichai Sakonpoonpol.

Soldiers from 1st Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR) and 2nd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (2RAR) refined and enhanced their weapons mastery and lethality through the live-fire range-in-a-box (LFRiB) system.

Commander of Landing Forces Colonel Doug Pashley said it was the first time the LFRiB had been embarked in a ship, which was a significant innovation to enable Army readiness while at sea.


“The bread and butter for being a soldier is being able to shoot,” Colonel Pashley said.

“Our Army personnel shoot every day now and practise their combat behaviours, which is really important for their readiness. Without it, their skills might degrade.

“You cannot replicate the shooting training, battle behaviours and combat behaviours they will get from doing that in the LFRiB.

“One of the things I’m most pleased about is that we can give our men and women the chance to keep their primary skills at a high level.”


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CAPTION: Private Jack Dawes conducts live-fire training in the first live-fire range-in-a-box in HMAS Adelaide.


LFRiB was housed in a modified shipping container on Adelaide’s flight deck, allowing soldiers to safely train with live ammunition through a variety of marksmanship serials, from standard shoots to complex engagement scenarios, to test their quick thinking and judgement.

The diggers also enjoyed a competition, run by the safety staff, to identify the most proficient shooter within the platoons, company and overall embarked forces.





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One thought on “Innovation enabled soldiers to use live ammo at sea

  • 18/12/2022 at 12:34 pm

    its a sub cal, paintball range ? Wow, that will maintain live fire skills ?


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