Young talent recognised by historical association

Two generations of sailors were brought together last month when Honorary Secretary of the Hobart Association John Withers visited HMAS Hobart.

CAPTION: Commander Andrew Pepper with Able Seaman Melissa-Jane Bult and John Withers on board HMAS Hobart. Photo by Petty Officer Brendan Matchett.

Mr Withers, a former Leading Seaman Signalman who served in Hobart II from 1969-71, toured the guided missile destroyer while it was alongside Fleet Base East in Sydney on January 29.

During the visit Mr Withers presented a member of ship’s company, Able Seaman Melissa-Jan Bult, with the association’s Award of Excellence recognising her all-round high performance, enthusiasm and contribution.

“It was a real privilege to represent the association in recognising the achievements of Able Seaman Bult,” Mr Withers said.

Able Seaman Bult said she was honoured to receive the award and spend time with Mr Withers.

“Meeting Mr Withers today really brings home the sense of tradition we get to share serving in Hobart,” she said.

During the tour, Mr Withers was pleased to see many of the artefacts from Hobart I and II had been placed on display in the various messes on board.

Commanding Officer Hobart Commander Andrew Pepper said it was important to keep its traditions.

“Keeping strong links to our heritage really adds to our shared sense of identity,” he said.

“We are proud to be the current custodians of such a rich history.”

The Hobart Association aims to bring together all personnel who have served in any of the HMA Ships Hobart over the years.





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