DA40 PEX Flights for Air Force Cadets


Some Victorian Australian Air Force Cadets from No 413 Squadron started the year by participating in Pilot Experience (PEX) flights from Warrnambool airfield (YWBL).

CAPTION: Leading Cadet Dominic McCosh, 413 Squadron, with one of the AAFC’s Diamond DA40 NG aircraft at Warrnambool airfield. Photo by PLTOFF(AAFC) Jane McDonald.

The Cadets flew in the new Diamond DA40 NG training aircraft, operated by the Elementary Flying Training School at RAAF Point Cook.

All Air Force Cadets are invited to have at least one Pilot Experience flight each year under the supervision of a qualified flying instructor, to lay the foundations for aviation career pathways.

These PEX flights are offered on a regular basis throughout the year, at no cost to the cadet.

In this activity, the cadets flew circuits over the picturesque Warrnambool coastline.

Commanding Officer of No 413 Squadron Pilot Officer (AAFC) Jane McDonald said, “413 Squadron had a fantastic weekend of beautiful weather, just perfect for the PEX activity, so both the cadets and pilots had stunning views of south-west Victoria and the cadets had an awesome learning experience”.

Their instructors were Wing Commander Dave Chaplin and Pilot Officer (AAFC) Chris Hulley, with Squadron Leader (AAFC) Scott Wiggins and Corporal (AAFC) Craig Johnstone as the Operations Officers for the activity.

PLTOFF(AAFC) McDonald said, “All the cadets commented on how great the pilots were at answering all of their questions and explaining everything – and yes there were a lot of questions!”.

The Diamond DA40 NG, leased for exclusive use by Australian Air Force Cadets, features modern avionics and a turbocharged jet-fuel piston engine, with contemporary navigation and flight control systems. The acquisition of this aerodynamically advanced aircraft will support safer, more advanced training for Air Force Cadets.

The Elementary Flying Training School at RAAF Point Cook is a subordinate unit of Aviation Operations Wing, AAFC, which aims to deliver flying pathways through gliding and powered flying experiences and training.

Leading Cadet Dominic McCosh had this to say of his PEX flight: “My flight was absolutely amazing, I enjoyed every single second of it. The best part was getting full control over the plane, mainly having to point up, point down and turn, that was absolutely amazing. I most definitely am going to nominate for another 4 Wing aviation activity!”

No 413 Squadron is based at Tel el Eisa Barracks in Pertobe Road, Warrnambool.

PLTOFF (AAFC) McDonald said, “We cannot wait to host the wonderful AOW/EFTS team in Warrnambool again!”

This group of cadets will certainly have stories to tell prospective recruits who attend the squadron Recruitment Night on 5 March.

Anyone in the Warrnambool region interested in further details may contact Pilot Officer (AAFC) Jane McDonald at co.413sqn@airforcecadets.gov.au









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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