Australia’s new submarines will be called Attack class
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Australia’s future submarines will be known as the Attack class with the first submarine to be called HMAS Attack.
ARTIST’S IMPRESSION: The French-designed Shortfin Barracuda will be Australia’s new Attack-class submarine.
HMAS Attack will be delivered to the Navy in the early 2030s, if the project stays on track.
Chief of Navy Vice Admiral Michael Noonan said the Attack class would provide Australia with a regionally superior submarine [which is actually a design requirement from the Defence White Paper 2016].
“The Attack class will meet the Navy’s capability needs and help protect our security and prosperity for decades to come,” said Vice Admiral Noonan
Minister for Defence Christopher Pyne said negotiations between the Commonwealth and French Naval Group on all key provisions of the Strategic Partnering Agreement (SPA) had been completed.
“I congratulate everyone involved in achieving this significant milestone,” Minister Pyne said.
The SPA will actually be signed early next year and will govern the delivery of the Attack class over the decades to come.
“Work on the design of the Attack class will continue without interruption under the Design and Mobilisation Contract which was signed on 30 September 2016,” Minister Pyne said.
“The full range of other activities required to deliver this major program, including the development of the submarine construction yard, and the ongoing engagement of Australian industry to achieve Australian sovereignty, are also continuing.”
Minister Pyne participated in a sod turning event at the site of the Future Submarine Construction Yard at Osborne in South Australia yesterday.
“The design and construction activities for the new Submarine Construction Yard will be incredibly important and complex and I congratulate Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction on being selected as the Managing Contractor,” he said.

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