High praise from DFSW Club member

Hi folks,
CONTACT is a real class publication and I implore all to give some serious thought about coming aboard, and at least subscribe (free), or even better – join the DFSW Club.
I’ve been a subscriber from almost the beginning of this great military information magazine and gladly joined the Patron Army, now called the DFSW Club.
I joined as a Sergeant member for only US$10.00 per month, as soon as the Patreon Army started.
Come on board my fellow ex navy friends, you wont be disappointed.
It ain’t just for Army. Brian Hartigan, Contact Editor, covers ALL services, here and abroad.
Join up to enjoy a fantastic read.
Kindest regards to you all.
AKA Shiner
EDITOR’S NOTE: I didn’t pay (or ask) Noel to say nice things about me 😉
He’s just an an awesome fan who likes to help.
About the newly named DFSW Club, which Noel is a long-time member of – it’s completely voluntary, but great fans like Noel really help us to keep CONTACT going, by joining.
Thank you Noel.
Oh – and by the way – if you want to know what DFSW means in DFSW Club, you’ll either have to join (or read about it in the next CONTACT magazine, sent free to all 11,000 of our free email subscribers, this weekend).
