Two awesome Blu Rays to give away

THE WAR – a film by Ken Burns
The Emmy® award-winning documentary THE WAR explores the history and horror of WWII from an American perspective by following so-called ordinary men and women who became caught up in one of the greatest cataclysms in history. This epic film focuses on the stories of citizens from four American towns taking the viewer through their personal and harrowing journeys, painting vivid portraits of how the war altered their lives. Buy this here.
Last Days in Vietnam
During the final days of the Vietnam War, as the North Vietnamese Army closed in on Saigon, the South Vietnamese resistance crumbled. The U.S. had only a skeleton crew of diplomats and military operatives still in the country. With the clock ticking, a number of heroic Americans took matters into their own hands, engaging in unsanctioned and often makeshift operations in an effort to save as many South Vietnamese as possible. Buy this here.
CONTACT had four copies of THE WAR and 4 copies of LAST DAYS IN VIETNAM to give away.
And the WINNERS are:
The War:
- WOFF Ross Amos, Orchard Hills, NSW
- Simon van der Hout, Brighton, Queensland
- Jade O’Shea, Shepparton, Victoria
- Bertram Plomp, Parkes, NSW
Last Days in Vietnam:
- Maurie Young, Albany Creek, Queensland
- Scott Vanhdivong, Kingswood, NSW
- Simon van der Hout, Brighton, Queensland
- Jade O’Shea, Shepparton, Victoria
Competition rules:
All you had to do was send an email to and tell us which one you want and, in 25 words or less, why we should pick you to be a winner.
- you must state which product you would like to win and why
- you can enter for both productions in separate emails
- you could win both if both your entries are good enough
- don’t forget to include your postal address, in case you’re a winner!
Don’t be shy – but do be clever. The four best entries (as judged by us) for each production will be a sent a copy of that excellent product.
Both competitions closed on 22 September. Winners are announced above and in our newsletter on 24 September – and the prize will be sent out soon after.
If you didn’t win one of these awesome prizes here but would still like your own copy, both these excellent documentaries are now available from Via Vision or the retailers listed on their homepage.
