Talisman Sabre – clearance divers clear way for beach landings
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Australian Clearance Dive Team 4 joined forces with Hydrographic Survey Ship HMAS Melville and Coastal Mine Hunters HMA Ships, Diamantina, Gascoyne and Huon for mine clearance and diving operations in advance of amphibious beach landings as part of Exercise Talisman Saber 2017.
Exercise Talisman Sabre 2017 (TS17) is a biennial combined Australian and United States training activity, designed to train respective military forces in planning and conducting combined task-force operations to improve the combat readiness and interoperability between the respective forces.
This exercise is a major undertaking that reflects the closeness of the two alliance and the strength of the ongoing military-to-military relationship.
The exercise involves more than 30,000 soldier, sailors, airmen and marines.
Now in its seventh iteration, the Talisman Sabre series of exercises is the principal Australian and US military training activity focused on the planning and conduct of mid-intensity high-end warfighting in the air, land and maritime domains.
TS17 incorporates force preparation activities, special-forces activities, amphibious landings, parachuting, land-force manoeuvre, urban operations, air operations, maritime operations and a number of live-fire components.
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Very informative Thank for share it.