More veterans can access special disability pension rates
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The eligibility criteria for the Special and Intermediate Rate of Disability Pension under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 has been amended to remove work history restrictions for veterans aged 65 and over.
CAPTION: Members of the 4th Brigade Australian Army at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne on Anzac Day 2017. Photo by Signalman Kenneth Wu.
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Dan Tehan today said that more veterans could now access the Special and Intermediate Rate of Disability Pension as a result of a 2017-18 Budget initiative.
“The amendment removes the requirement for veterans to have worked continuously for 10 years with the same employer,” Mr Tehan said.
“For self-employed veterans, it removes the requirement to have worked a minimum of 10 years in the same profession, trade, vocation or calling.
“This provides more flexibility for veterans to change employers or employment and better reflects the modern work environment.
“This budget measure is part of a suite of initiatives being implemented to streamline access to incapacity payments, amend outdated legislation and improve rehabilitation outcomes for veterans.”
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