Foreign Govts sent handy ADF-kit shopping catalogue

Minister for Defence Industry Christopher Pyne today released the first Australian Military Sales Equipment Catalogue.

The Catalogue lists selected equipment that is scheduled to be withdrawn from front-line service in the Australian Defence Force but that still demonstrates a viable capability that other countries might seek to purchase; along with details of equipment still in production that our “friends and allies” could consider acquiring for their capability requirements.

Original photo by Corporal David Said – digitally altered by CONTACT

Mr Pyne said the development of this catalogue supported the First Principles Review recommendation to ensure Defence was a ‘Smart Buyer’ by better leveraging industry, being more commercially oriented and delivering value for money in its activities.

“This also includes achieving value for money in the disposal of ex-ADF equipment,” Mr Pyne said.

“The sale of ex-ADF equipment will potentially see positive benefits across Australian Industry, with opportunities to bid for work in the sustainment or refurbishment of that equipment to a foreign government.

“For example, in the sale of C-130H aircraft to Indonesia with a sale price of $15 million, two refurbishment contracts resulted for Australian industry valued in excess of $100 million.”

Products in the catalogue include the Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle, used successfully in ADF service for many years protecting our troops on operations overseas, and scheduled to be withdrawn from service from 2030.

Fiji already bought 10 refurbished Bushmasters before the catalogue even came out, for an undisclosed price.

“The sale of ex-ADF equipment will also support our strengthening strategic foreign relationships,” Minister Pyne said.

“The catalogue is designed to provide industry and our friends and allies the maximum practical time available to take advantage of these opportunities.”

The First Principles Review was released three years ago.

The Australian Military Sales Office is responsible for managing the sale and exporting of surplus ADF equipment to approved foreign-government customers under government-to-government arrangements.

Australian Military Sales Equipment Catalogue

Download a copy of the Australian Military Sales Equipment Catalogue here
















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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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