7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment salutes 50th

Soldiers from Charlie Company, 7RAR
Soldiers from Charlie Company, 7RAR

ABOVE: Corporal Donovan Murphy salutes as the colours of 7th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, are marched off during the battalion’s 50th anniversary parade.

Soldiers of 7RAR celebrated their battalion’s 50th anniversary with a colour parade at Keswick Barracks, South Australia, on Sunday 18 October 2015.

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WE RECOMMEND ‘Digger’, available from Military Shop – $179

7RAR is a regular light infantry battalion of the Australian Army.

The unit was originally raised in 1965 as part of Australia’s commitment to the Vietnam War, where it served tours in 1967 and 1971.

In 1973, following Australia’s withdrawal from the conflict, 7RAR was linked with the 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, to form the 5/7RAR.

5/7RAR deployed in the mechanised-infantry role to East Timor and Iraq.

In late December 2006 and into early January 2007, 5/7RAR was delinked to re-raise 5RAR and 7RAR.

In January 2009, 7RAR achieved operational status, a year ahead of schedule.

7RAR is currently part of the 1st Brigade and is based at RAAF Base Edinburgh on the outskirts of Adelaide, South Australia.

The 7th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, motto is ‘Duty first’.


Photos by Corporal David Gibbs.








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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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