Valuable training for Ukrainians continues

Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) soldiers extolled the value of training with Australian personnel on the latest courses to assist their fight against Russia’s illegal invasion of their country.

CAPTIONAustralian Army soldiers provide instructional training to Ukrainian personnel on Operation Kudu in the UK. Story by Captain Cody Tsaousis. Photos by Lance Corporal Andrew Shaw.

Australian soldiers are conducting section battle, and platoon and company battle courses on Operation Kudu.

Despite AFU members having extensive experience on the frontline, they said it was beneficial to exchange ideas, and that the Australian soldiers provided them with a different perspective when planning tactical actions.

“The Australians have taught us how to plan everything step by step instead of just passing information person to person, and they have taught us how to do the planning process very thoroughly,” said an AFU soldier on the platoon commander battle course.

“It has broadened our horizons on how to approach things. Sometimes our method works well and other times we can take some great experience from the Australian Army teachings.

“It will help us a lot on how to tackle the situation back in Ukraine.”

CAPTION: Armed Forces of Ukraine personnel participate in urban training.

The three key training activities being conducted were trench warfare, live-fire training and urban operations.

Across all facets of training, there was a focus on tactical care of the combat casualty, explosive ordnance and drone capabilities.

The AFU has demonstrated the importance of these on the frontline in a modern warfare setting.

Australian contingent commander Major Ben Carolan said Operation Kudu was a unique experience because of the mutual learning between the training staff and trainees.

“There’s combat veterans here, and they educated us on what it’s like to fight on the frontline, and to fight for their friends and families,” he said.

“For Australia, it is important for us to provide support and assist Ukraine to help fight for their sovereignty.

“It’s good to see the lessons and foundations we taught them were relevant, and the knowledge will be taken back and incorporated into their training in Ukraine.”

Of the 14 nations involved in Operation Interflex, the international military training mission in the United Kingdom, the Finnish Army is heavily involved in Operation Kudu. The Finnish expertise is beneficial because of their understanding of Eastern European terrain and Russian tactics.

Operation Interflex Commander, British Army Colonel Andrew Boardman, said Australia was a key contributor to the mission.

“The Australian contingent has been here for a couple of years now and is a really valued part of the mission,” he said.

“Operation Kudu troops come here with a huge amount of experience from the Australian Army and they bring that into our multinational context.

“We’ve worked alongside the Australian Army a lot over the years and this is another example of us working really closely together to our mutual benefit.”





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