Defence adds six COVID-19 cases to its dodgy map
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“Defence is currently managing 34 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the locations illustrated above,” it officially updated today.
Today’s map includes one new case in Perth and reinstates the five cases removed on Friday.
Which begs the question, did five members recover last week or not – and have they relapsed over the weekend?
Or has Defence simply changed its accounting/reporting regime yet again?
And will we ever be told what’s truly going on?
Have some Defence members recovered or not? Are Defence members sick? How sick? What support are they receiving? What support are their families receiving? What locations do those dot actually represent?
Not unreasonable questions. Not unreasonable to expect Defence to actually report some detail to the Australian people.
Think back to when we had soldiers wounded in Afghanistan. Defence kept us up to date on what happened, when, where, what the wounded soldier’s colleagues did for first aid, where the wounded was transported and then on-forwarded, that his mother or wife had been flown to Rammstein to be by his side etc etc etc.
But nothing for these poor souls. Just (dodgy) numbers on a dodgy map.

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